Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Website Progress

I'm making a little progress on the website. Slowly but surely. I'm trying to organize and add content while my ninja webmaster is working on the design and theme. The boring one we have up right now is temporary so initially it doesn't look like the place of fabulousness and fun that it will be eventually. 

I've been working on it while the kids are at school and when they go outside to play. (My fingers are triple crossed for the nice weather to stick around!) I need all the time I can get, being the technologically challenged individual I am. You'd think I'd be an old pro by now, but... well, that's me. =) 

I'm taking a break right now for American Idol (my religion) and then after I get the kids to bed it's back to work!!! 


Amie and Karl said...

The sit is looking great way to go I so enjoy Twilight moms so very much
You are awesome

heather said...

I can't wait to see the new website. I heard you have an awesome webman/ TWI dad convert ;)

Melissa said...

Your religion. Ha, ha! Can't wait to see what you do with the site!