Thursday, October 30, 2008

Blue Hamsters... don't ask... just nod your head and smile...

Last night my 6 year old boy, Caleb, asked me if I wanted to lay on the couch with him and watch TV before he had to go to bed. Of course this just melted my heart! How could I not want to cuddle with my little cutie!? My powers are useless against him! So, we curled up on the couch and often times those are the simple moments that create a warm and fuzzy atmosphere where kids and parents are able to communicate and connect with each other and strengthen family bonds... but... this is my son we're talking about so our "moment" went like this...

Me: I like these granola bars. They're crunchy. Do you like the crunchy granola bars?
Caleb: Yeah! I like crunchy granola bars! (pause) ... I like crunchy granola bars and I like blue hamsters. 
Me: *confused laugh* What??? Blue hamsters??? *confused and unable to form a response*
Caleb: What's so funny? ... Don't you like hamsters?
Me: ummm... sure... I like hamsters... 

Then we go back to watching TV... Caleb, happy and content... my face still contorted with confusion. This kid is just too much like me! So I knew better than to ask, and just took comfort in the knowledge that at least it all makes sense in his head! 


Georgia said...

I also like blue hamsters :)

Jenny said...

Caleb is awesome. Love your blog

illumin8 said...

blue hamsters pretty....
OK you are now on my bookmarks toolbar between twilight moms and Rae's blog- now you have to post!!

Love the border for your blog and the wish list!!! YOU ROCK

Amy said...

I can totally see him saying that.